Monday, June 9, 2008

Abby's softball

Abby's team came in second for the season and third in the tourney. i have to admit that I came to close to being one of "those" parents this season! :-) Abby had a great time and has decided that softball is "her" thing- and that she wants to be a "big girl softball player and a vet" when she grows up! I wish you all could see how serious she can be and how hard she is works at learning the game. She hits like a boy- nailed the coach in the leg- twice! We had a great season and I am really happy that she had a good time!

One Year Later

So- it's been one year ago that we moved to good ol' TN! I cannot believe it! the time has just about flown by faster than a speeding Vol fan, or Smokie Bear or BIG HAIR BOW! :-)

I have spent the last few days doing the "a year ago today I was/ we were..." Let's see there was the last baseball game where we said the "final see ya later" to our close friends- some of whom came to the game just to say good bye. There was the trip down here where I cried like a baby from 5am to 9am in the car with ALL our animals. There was the first morning waking up here to QUIET and not listening to motorcycles on Hopeman Parkway. I seem to have blocked out the unpacking- I can't remember much of that. I remember the kids being so happy- running around the house just thrilled with their rooms. There were the mornings I sat on the deck, drank coffee and just cried and cried and cried.
After all of those memories come ones about being greeted by our neighbors with fans to help out b/c our AC was broken and gifts of Ice cream and plants and being welcomed by a family that opened their arms and hearts wider than those BIG BOWS I was talking about.
There were certainly some dark days. I felt lost and lonely and guilty and..... like a puzzle piece that did not fit. Over the last year I think I've gotten turned right side up. Looking back I can feel God shifting me, turning me, rearranging my heart so that I could fit in my puzzle spot. Of course- I was made to fit I was just trying to find my own way and not letting Him put me where and how and when He wanted me. It's a hard lesson but I am grateful for it and proud that I seem to have gotten the message- at least for now.
I learned so many things this year- mostly about people and relationships and myself.
  • My husband is amazing!!! I am more in love with him than ever before and this year was worth coming to the re-realization that he is my #1 partner and friend and support. He put up with a lot and we got through the absolute hardest time we have faced yet in our marriage. I thank God for his patience and love and understanding!!

  • We are closer to my family now than when we lived 10 minutes down the road. We have an appreciation for the time together- we don't take it for granted, we are open and honest and REAL with each other. I am actually thankful for Knoxville if only for this reason!!

  • Being a friend to someone that you can't hug or touch is not easy- but it is possible! I have struggled over showing my support to friends that are in need. I can't give little gifts, make meals, babysit or visit. But I can pray for them, I can call and email and text and let them know that distance does not matter in relationships- I love this lesson!

  • Some friends are not friends forever but friends none the less. There is a line from "Wicked" that I love and it says, "who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you I have been changed for good." I hope I have learned to appreciate what gifts people have and to have a peace about endings- endings are ok sometimes. That was very hard for me!

  • People do what they want to do. Enough said.

  • Whoever invented unlimited long distance is my friend and should receive the Noble Peace Award- truly- it is a necessity to my life.

  • I am so thankful to everyone who has kept us in their hearts and prayers. So many have made it a commitment to maintain contact with us!!! And those that have visited????? THANK YOU! it is a long trip and I know it can be expensive to travel right now but it makes me feel so good to have my friends here!!! Those visits have really gotten me through this first year!! Everyone is welcome!!! If I haven't' invited you recently- consider this an invitation!!!

So- there it is! thank you all for reading. i'm sorry I'm not a big blogger but I hope to get better now that baseball adn softball adn VBS are over! I love youa dn miss you! Hope to see and/or hear from you soon!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Asian Pear Mojito

OK- this is THE recipe used at PF Chang's! It is amazing and PERFECT for summer. I suggest it to my lush friends and non-lush friends alike!!

1 Tblspn Superfine Sugar
3 Lime Sections
5 Leaves of Mint
1 oz. Sour Apple Pucker
1.5 oz. Bicardi Limon Rum
1 oz. Pineapple Juice
Club Soda

Muddle (mash) the lime, sugar and mint leaves together. Add the Sour Apple Pucker, Limon Rum, & Pineapple Juice and shake with ice. Pour into a tall glass (highball or collins) top off with the club soda. Enjoy.

Monday, March 31, 2008


This is us when JImmy was just 16 and I was 14!
Can you believe that was 20 years ago?????

New Goal- I need y'all to push me!

So- Jimmy got me the Nike+ipod doohickie for my shoes and ipod- I LOVE IT! You put the pedometer thing in your shoe, the sensor in your ipod, and start moving! You all know that I have to make life into a game and adding a GADGET to the game just about sucks me in forever. I have just finished my second logged run of a 3K in 14 minutes at a 6.42 pace (whatever that means!) I need you guys to push me though! I want to go 40 miles in 4 weeks which is just 10 miles a week which is 3 runs of just under 4 runs a week! Make me do it!
love you guys!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

JImmy's happy Yard/Project Day

Just a few pics of the new deck layout. We closed in the small entry and made a central large opening that flows into the yard. Now the table has a "room" feel and more space. Jimmy actually built steps! I'm very impressed!

Drive Through Church- FUNNY but very good point!

Our big night out- CATS

WOW! I have to say that my kids NEVER cease to amaze me! Last night was our big night- the kids were introduced to non-animated, non-Pixar or Disney and non-PAUSABLE theater! I cannot get over how cool it was to see them enjoying the show. For 3 hours they sat up, leaned forward, laughed, cried and clapped to a really awesome show. That's right- Abby actually cried when Grizabella was finally befriended by the cats. On the way home she said, "Mom, you know when you're happy but crying and your eyes are all wet but you're smiling and it feels kinds weird? That's how I was." It was an awesome night.

We also ate at The Melting Pot! WOW! That was pretty cool, too. It's in Old Town Knoxville which is a pretty neat place that we haven't explored much. Cobbled streets, old fashioned General stores, art galleries and the like- my Mom would LOVE it!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Random- Funniest show I have seen in a LONG time- Three Sheets! It's on MOJO.

Why I love it- ok it is always funny to watch someone get drunk. Call me immature, stupid or bad- but you KNOW that I am right. This guy is HYSTERICAL, will drink anything at all but also teaches quite a lot. For example- I now know the difference between bourbon and whiskey. Apparently all Bourbon is whiskey but not all whiskey is Bourbon. The best bourbon comes from Kentucky and the only whiskey that is also bourbon is Tennessee whiskey! By the way--- did you know that Jack Daniels which is made in Tennessee is made in a DRY town??? That is interesting to me!

Also random- John Adams on HBO is also quite good- how's that for a difference in taste! Jimmy and I are completely into this thing. It is FUNNY and so accurate and very, very educational! Plus- the book it is based on would take you a YEAR to read (good point, Lisa!) Also very cool- John Adam's wife's name was ABIGAIL and she was VERY smart and a very important person in his life. Of course- I also like the Thomas Jefferson- so far- has not been THE man that UVa a**holes like to make him out to be! Jimmy said that if he had learned history through a movie like this one he would have had a better appreciation of it. Check it out! It's on HBO.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


This is my parents new baby- and by baby I mean it is SOOOO funny to watch my mom and dad run after a puppy and talk to each other in "parent" talk. You know- discussing the "child's" most recent meal, poop or pee. Also fun is to see them RUN after him when he has something he shouldn't! Aside from that- the dog is CUTE and ADORABLE which is always good for a puppy to be because there is all that teaching to do!! Charley is a Westie rescue and will be a very good fit for our family. He and Hokie made friends and he ended up hurtling her! He is small enough to walk under her with about a foot to spare!

Friday, March 14, 2008

What I'm cooking today

My parents are on their way down to visit me today! I am So excited to see them and their NEW PUPPY! So- since my family is ALL about food I am making a special dinner. Last weekend Jimmy and I went to a Sunday school social and right beside the bar was this wonderful soup. When I asked for the recipe I did not get any amounts but here is what I put in:

Spicy Gumbo-like soup that is really yummy and will clear your sinuses

a few chicken breasts cut into cubes
hot sausage- about a pound
about a pound of smallish shrimp
a large can of diced tomatoes plus a regular can of diced tomatoes
about 2 cups of rice
chicken broth
Cayenne pepper- allot

OK- cut the chicken up and cook it in a large soup pot with the sausage til meat is cooked
add the chicken broth- you will need a good bit- I used 6 small cans and then added some water and then added a bit more stock- the rice sucks up a bit
add tomatoes
bring to a boil
add the rice- bring back to boil and then cover and simmer for the rice to do its thing
(add the cayenne pepper at stages along the way- keep tasting as you go to get the level you like)
add the shrimp- I used peeled and pre-cooked small shrimp so I added them later so they wouldn't get mushy- go with your gut
after about a half hour add the cilantro (earlier if its dried- later if it's fresh)
it's done when your ready- I think! :-)
For my first blog I give you:

Things that I "really, really don't like today;" (I'm not allowed to say hate since my kids can't say it!):

1- strep throat- Alex has it AGAIN
2- allergies- apparently, I have them now as well as Abby and Jimmy
3- cold, early Easters
4- egg hunts on rainy days
5- waiting around the house for people to come fix things

OK- adult perspective-

Things that I love today:

1- The sound of birds chirping
2- watching trees bud
3- pretty Easter dresses (and sweaters)
4- having a day with just Alex
5- smelling spring- though it is getting cold again tonight!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

First entry

I am just writing this to see what it will look like!