Friday, March 14, 2008

For my first blog I give you:

Things that I "really, really don't like today;" (I'm not allowed to say hate since my kids can't say it!):

1- strep throat- Alex has it AGAIN
2- allergies- apparently, I have them now as well as Abby and Jimmy
3- cold, early Easters
4- egg hunts on rainy days
5- waiting around the house for people to come fix things

OK- adult perspective-

Things that I love today:

1- The sound of birds chirping
2- watching trees bud
3- pretty Easter dresses (and sweaters)
4- having a day with just Alex
5- smelling spring- though it is getting cold again tonight!


The Big Lez said...

You're a nut!!

Anonymous said...

I really don't want to hear you talk about gonna get cold again tonight....we have had record snow falls of over 100" and still have at least 2-3 feet in our freaking front yard!!!!! :-)